Saturday, April 4, 2015

Slow on the Home Front

This week has been pretty dull at the Wall residence. Monday we had the city plumbing inspector come by and we got the all clear in that department. The floors, after being dropped off last Friday, were to sit for 5-7 days and then they read the temperature, humidity, and/or other factors on Wednesday to determine that it's safe to start putting the floors in. Well, it's Thursday now, and no one came by yesterday. Mike said the flooring testers should be by today to get their necessary readings, with installation starting tomorrow.

Today, Mike and Wayne are here doing odds and ends. The glass has been put in the sideboard's doors. 

The toe kick vent was added. (I had spoken with Mike about that vent earlier in construction and he said he'd add it. When I noticed it still wasn't there, I reminded him about it. He said today that he'd forgotten about it; thank goodness I said something!) 

Outlet covers are getting replaced. Yeah! No more loose wires dangling about!

My personal projects have included working on that butcher block top, and I must say, it's looking darn good! After Ryan sanded it to smithereens, it was looking  a little gray (a la Restoration Hardware), and while this shading appeals to me, this is not the area we wanted to implement it. So Wednesday I did a couple coats of the stain, a few hours apart, and those wood filler spots that were the bane of my existence? Gone! The stain seemed to amplify the sanding lines and the retained original stain in a couple spots, but hey, that distressed look is still "in," right? 

Quick update: after typing this up on Thursday, I was trying to upload pictures and the computer froze. That gave time to say: the lady from the floor place came by late on Thursday and said the floors were good to go, but the guys would be coming on Monday instead of Friday. Ok, sure, fine, at least I'll get to sleep in my own bed on Friday before work! And someone from Ceramic Harmony came on Friday as well. The grout/sealant/whatever it's called in one of the joints between two slabs had not sealed completely, so he fixed that and added some extra sealant over a suspicious looking fissure. All better.
Hoppy Easter weekend!

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