Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Awash in a sea of blue

Over the weekend, Ryan and I not-so-patiently wait for the temperature in the fridge to go down. Saturday, no change. Sunday, no change AND we realize the lights in the fridge don't come on. Monday morning, Ryan sees that the fridge's temperature has finally dropped from 66 degrees down to 48. Still not perfect, but definitely an improvement. Something's not right...

When Ryan let me know Sunday night that the fridge was still acting up I'd made up my mind to pick up a thermometer from Home Depot and put it in the fridge to see what the actual internal temperature was, in hopes that it'd help me figure out what was wrong. After work Monday morning, I get a $4 thermometer that looks like it ought to do the trick, and having a little extra information will help me approach Mike or Samsung or BestBuy (someone!) to fix it.

When I get home Monday morning, the painting of the walls is well under way. I unpackage the thermometer and stick it in the fridge. Feels cold, but not cold enough; and the lights still don't work. In an effort to steer clear, and not accidentally open a door and turn over a paint can, I grab a cabinet door and get out of the house. 

There are 6 cabinet doors above the sideboard in the dining room that need glass. I go to Huntsville Glass company, and having previously picked out my preferred glass ("seedy") I place the order. It comes out to a bit more than I had anticipated, but if you get anything other than plain glass you can expect to see that reflected in the cost. I do a little wheelin' and dealin', as though I were doing business with a Russian street vendor, but it saves me $70 so totally worth it. This is an example of what I ordered:

It's fairly well-matched with the glass in our pendants, so the overall look has a bit more cohesiveness.

Back at home, Mike has arrived. We start talking about things to expect this week, where we stand overall, "next payment due tomorrow," etc. He says that the backsplash should arrive this afternoon, with immediate installation. The painters should be finished today. The lacquer painter should be here later in the evening to get the pantry painted. Sounds like a busy day! Now how about my fridge?

I tell Mike what all we've looked at on the fridge, the bit of research Ryan says he's done, and that we know it was in working order when it was delivered...
That thermometer I put in the fridge? Yeah, it's been in there for hours and hasn't budged. It's temperature isn't right either. Guess that's what you get when you spend $4 on something these days. Any who, I walk Mike through our troubleshooting attempts, so he gets into the cords above the door again; unattaches, reattaches, wiggles. Nothing seems to be working and he's ready to give up, but after I tell him just to place the cover back over the wires and leave it unscrewed so it's easy to open when I call Samsung or BestBuy later, Mike just on the off chance opens the doors one more time. LIGHTS ARE ON! What?! We open and close the doors a few more times to see if it's a fluke, but no, it seems to be working. After Mike and I agree to walk away slowly from the fridge, and never touch it again, we see after a couple minutes that the temperature is already down to 46. Holy cow! Fixed! Let's hope it stays that way. 

For everyone that's wondering, "so what was wrong?" Mike said whatever sensor reads that the fridge isn't closed/sealed properly wasn't reading right. So the lights turned off after a matter of time, and the temperature hardly went down because our fridge is so freaking smart it knows not to run itself ragged for no reason. I love sensible and intelligent appliances.

Now that I feel like I might be able to take a nap, I go lay down on the couch. T.V. on to drown out noise. Glasses off so I don't squish them in my sleep. Phone nearby. Eyes closing...*ding ding* It's a text message, from Mike, telling me I should go pick out what color grout I want for the backsplash. Grout color? I thought it was white? No, there are several colors. And if the tiler guy is coming this afternoon, that means I have to go now.  

Glasses back on, shoes back on, grab car keys. It's 1p.m. I've been up for almost 24 hours. Mini pep talk in the car before I pull out of the garage. And it's back to Ceramic Harmony. Marion grabs the backsplash we chose, then pulls out her grout samples. She's got 25 different options. Sheesh! At times like these I need no more than 3 options. Marion's amazing, knows our countertops, and helps me narrow down the options relatively quickly. She tells me to take it all back to the house to make a decision, and also informs me that the backsplash won't be making it in today; some trouble getting the delivery truck to get it on time. Meh...whatever...fading fast. I get back home, and crash on the couch. I vaguely remember workers walking past to get to the downstairs areas they need to paint, but  unphased, I sleep right through it. 

A few hours later I'm up and moving again. Mike's back, and I update him on the no-backsplash-til-tomorrow info. I show him the grout options and he offers his input. Decision made. "Delorean grey" it is. I get a few pictures of the paint job:

It looks light blue in some light, grayish in others. I think we're going to like it just fine!

The lacquer guy arrives, and I get the heck out of dodge. At least he wears a mask when he works! The fumes off this stuff are so intense you might as well go bobbing for death in a vat nail polish remover. It. is. awful. And he's there until almost 9pm...but he's done! 

And during that phase his wife drops off another paint gun for him. They're the couple Mike told me were unsure about their countertops, and after seeing mine knew that's what they wanted. I'm glad all my researching has helped someone else make their decision!

Ryan puts the lightbulbs in the dining room chandelier. 

I run the ovens, which is basically just putting them on broil for 5 minutes. 

We put a bottle of water in the freezer to make sure it properly freezes something overnight. We run water through the fridge's water line, throw out it's first batch of ice, run the kitchen faucet, and the pot filler to clear the lines. 

I also test each eye on the induction cooktop, and it works like a dream! Water boils in just under 4 minutes, and the eyes do not retain heat for very long at all.

Successful day! 

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