Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Demo Day, y'all!

February 16th, 2015: the destruction begins bright and early at 7am. I am still at work, but Ryan's is off for President's Day. There are several guys here, and they make quick work out of what would've taken us a few weekends to complete.

Getting the ceiling fan down:

Getting the flooring up! Turns out one of the guys has a friend that needs new flooring...in his RV...so our floor will be getting repurposed. Makes me happy to know that it's not all getting trashed.


The wall between the kitchen and dining room is down. You can really start to see how open it's going to be! Look at all that light!

The beams have come down and work at bringing down The Beast has begun.
Here's our front yard during this process:

 After lots of knocking, banging, and dropping of rocks, that enormous wall of stone has been removed!

Here's the kitchen all cleared out:

And here's where Zara was ALL day. She was having none of it. Hopefully this will get better as the days go on.


  1. Wow! Looks so different! Can't wait to watch the process! So exciting!

  2. Wow! Looks so different! Can't wait to watch the process! So exciting!

  3. Love the blog, Sam! Can't wait to see the progress
